Coles on the Coast Episode 2 – “Why, How, What, and When of Chickens”

In this Episode we discuss back yard chickens.

We discuss the Why you might want to raise chickens…

Prepping as a protein source and easy to reproduce… for sustainability, food scraps for chickens, and poop for compost.

The How to start chickens…

Pen/coop options with pros and cons of those options, food, & water. How you can Incubate to keep reproducing which is adds to your sustainability.

What chickens to get…

What’s the purpose.. meat, eggs, dual purpose, What’s the temperament of the birds, What are the climate factors? Hybrid Chickens vs Heritage breeds.

When questions…

Is now the right time? Is the need there? Think about your family structure and resources including your land setup.

Some of the cons of raising chickens..

-Drama/fighting, food cost, stinky poop

We also talk about some of our chicken stories/drama.

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